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blogthings again.....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
it blooms for you @1:36 PM

You Are The Brain
You're the type of person who's always on, always churning.
You are alert and quick to react. You like to stay busy.

You are responsible but also demanding. You take up a lot of energy.
You are someone of deep mystery. There's a lot below the surface that's hard to figure out.

What Internal Organ Are You?

You Are a Red Velvet Cupcake
You are sensual and self-indulgent. If it feels good, you'll do it.
You're drawn to gorgeous, sexy people. You can't help it if you want your friends to be attractive!

You are like a cupcake because you are completely decadent and over the top.
You believe life is too short to deprive yourself. You rather overdo it than go without.

What Flavor Cupcake Are You?

You Are a Coconut Flavored Popsicle
You are easygoing. For you, summer is definitely a time to kick back.
You are a peaceful soul. You shy away from drama and stress.

You are a warm and compassionate. You give everyone a fair chance.
Your tastes tend to be simple. You rather have a few high quality items than a bunch of junk.

What Flavor Popsicle Are You?

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
You are kind, popular, and generous.
You tend to be successful at anything you try.
A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.
You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.

What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?

What the House Test Says About You
You have a high opinion of yourself. You think that you are quite important in the scheme of things... definitely more important than most people.

You can't stand community oriented people and annoying "buy local" campaigns. You prefer to live the best life possible, and that doesn't really involve many other people.

You are a social, friendly, and giving person. You like to bring people together and make them feel happy.

You look attractive, but mostly because your rely on your natural good looks to get by.
You find it hard to be enthusiastic about much. You are a picky person.

The House Test

You Are a Sweet Person
When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza.
There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)...
Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women.

Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart.
You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat.

Are You Sweet or Salty?

You Are a Burrito
You're not a picky person. You're able to go with the flow and really enjoy life.
You have a taste for the exotic, and you're quite adventurous. You're willing to try almost anything.

You're very low maintenance. You don't mind getting a bit messy if it means having fun.
You aren't superficial or easily impressed. Someone has to be the real deal if they're going to impress you.

What Kind of Fast Food Are You?

You Are a Brownie
Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted.
Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are.

What Dessert Are You Most Like?

You Want to Impress People You Know
You want friends and family to think you're beautiful. You mostly focus on inner beauty and being a good person.

You want everyone you meet to think you're brilliant. Being seen as intelligent is important for your self esteem.

You are at your most playful when you are around family and friends. You are more serious around people you don't know well.

You let strangers see parts of you right away, but you believe in keeping some things private.
You are open to becoming close to people, but it takes some time. You don't let just anyone in.

Who Do You Want to Impress?

You Are Ceramics
You are open to the world and it's possibilities. You are able to start something without knowing how it will end.
You trust your intuition above everything else. Going with your gut often works out.

You believe that every day objects can and should be art.
The best art allows ordinary life to be more stylish and beautiful.

What Type of Art Are You?

You Are Fast Forward
Compared to most people, you are impatient and antsy.
You are action oriented and love adventure. You don't care much for downtime.

You like the skip the boring stuff and get to the good stuff. You don't like interruptions.
You can't stand anything slow. You live your life in fast lane and expect others to do the same.

What Remote Button Are You?

You Need Friends to Be Happy
You are a friendly, social person. You seek out connections and relationships.
Being close to others is very important to you, and you don't like discord.

You feel great when you're cooperating and working with others. You enjoy belonging to a group.
Nothing makes you feel worse that feeling alone or alienated. You want to be liked by those around you.

What Do You Need to Be Happy?

You Are Red
You are lively and fiery. You embrace the world and live passionately.
You are moody but generally enthusiastic. You love so many things.

You are able to have a lot of drive and focus. Some people would call this obsession.
You are aggressive about getting what you want in life. You look out for yourself first.

What Primary Color Are You?

You Are Skilled
You are balanced and competent. You value harmony.
Other people see you as outgoing, hyper, and even a bit overwhelming.

Your ideal romantic relationship is unconventional, wild, and very public.
You do best in tasks that require you to be logical, hard-working, and courageous.

The Shape Test

You Are Bitter
You aren't bitter at the world, even though you have a strong personality.
Instead, you are sophisticated and cultured. You appreciate acquired tastes.

You are very powerful. You have the ability to change a room's energy.
While some may find you disagreeable, your points of view are intelligent and interesting.

What Taste Are You?

You Are Affectionate
Your life is full of love and friendship - and you always have more to give.
You have an open heart. You are willing to take that leap and put your faith in people.

You see the good in everyone and everything. You are a very sympathetic person.
The people you love make you very happy. You feel warmly toward those around you.

What Kind of Happy Are You?

You Are a Ponytail
You are energetic, laid back, and a lot of fun. You are ready for whatever life throws at you.
Your idea of style is looking presentable. You prefer simple, well fitting, and neat clothes.

At your best, you are productive, inspiring, and full of live. You love to be active.
At your worst, you are hyperactive and frenzied. Sometimes it's hard for you to calm down.

What Hairstyle Are You?

You Are An ENTP
The Visionary

You are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression.
You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything.
Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off.
You're very clever, but you are not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.

In love, you see everything as a grand adventure. You enjoy taking risks for love.
And if things don't work out, you're usually not too much worse for the wear!

You would make a great entrepreneur, marketing executive, or actor.
At work, you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own path and vision.

How you see yourself: Analytical, creative, and peaceful
When other people don't get you, they see you as: Detached, wishy-washy, and superficial

What's Your Personality Type?

Monday, July 13, 2009
it blooms for you @9:14 PM

haha. hey people. i'm back again.
i'm so bored. alright... i think i'm just procrastinating.
shit should go revise my work now right isnt it?

anyway it's been 1 month past since i last updated.
haha... i finally took off my braces! yipee.
i'm wearing retainer now. cool huh? haha
eh... Jct is so-so. expect much better.
hm... shld start studying hard.
soccer is fine now. trying to pick up some goalkeeping skills.
PW is a struggle. eee.. kill me.

oh well, my brain and body is malfunctioning these days.
my brain cant catch up with my body.
yesterday i was super tired, my legs are soring and aching,
yet i insist on shopping with joyce.
my brain stops at soccer session in ECP,
yet my body is physically at bugis junction. that's weird.
btw... i dont know what's up with the soccer boys.
they keep offering me goalkeeping training.
i know they mean well... but it's damn funny la.
was watching the guys playing yesterday.

*cut in for a while*
(i was standing somewhere near the cage...
i'm watching the boy's game... then mr lee asked me
a totally-unexpected question.
MR LEE: Are you waiting for one of the guys to go home?
ME: [in the brain: OMG! NOoo!] hm... no.
MR LEE: so why are you standing here for?
ME: i'm just watching the game.
[i'm like damn OMG! KILL ME! i cant believe that
he suspected that i'm with one of the soccer guys.])
*back again*

caleb can split legs! haha. omg shld go learn from him.
actually i didnt have any intention of learning from him,
coz i tot that aaron will be a better teacher,
but i heard that his temper is not very good.
okay but i still asked caleb for help in the end.
justin is a big *****. haha even mr lee agrees. haha
dont know why he insisted on teaching me.
maybe he's going to play a prank on me.
hm.. leave an offline msg for KJ. he hasnt reply. sian....
i mean it's really bothering waiting for reply on msn.
when you say reply when you're free or take your time to reply...
it doesnt mean that you have the privilege
to take your own sweet time to reply.
instead, it means that as soon as you're free, reply asap.

so yesterday... i went bugis junction with joyce
and we went to buy converse shoe.
i'm going to wear it to school on monday. haha.
anyway i was feeling very out of shape these days.
i'm not feel very comfortable.
i guess it's due to bad sleeping habits.
oh well, i hope my eeyore can make up for it.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
it blooms for you @1:38 PM

hey people. i'm finally back from manila.
read my tone: FINALLY.
the experience is really bad and
i guess that's the reason why
singapore dont encourage people to visit there.
this is the worst trip i ever been to.
nothing nice to see, nothing nice to eat,
the service sucks to hell, the air and water are polluted.
IN A NUT SHELL... nothing is good.

DAY 1:
as they all say that airport is the best gauge for
the country's development and
standard of the country's tourism industry.
from what i see and experience it's bad.
the custom officer(CO) is super rude to us.
she's very picky abt the particular form.
there's this part that requires me to fill 'place of stay'
which i can write the address/town/city
so i wrote the city's name: MANILA
CO: please be specific. MANILA is a very big place.
where are you staying?
ME:i dont know where we will be staying...
(coz it's a city tour! dude)
CO: how can you not know? sorry.
can you go to the side to fill up? NEXT!
okay... apparently i'm not the only one,
some japanese guys also kena the same thing too.
(their situation is even worse,
coz they dont speak english)
as for my sis who queued at other lane,
she manage to get pass very quickly
despite writing the same stuff.
anyway the air is freaking polluted
thanks to the jeepney car there.
btw they dont have road etiquette.
they honked every now and then.
they dont follow traffic light rules too.
they continue driving even when the light turns red.
the hotel is !@#$%^&*(. it's a scam!
98% different from their webpage.
suck. their room is darn scary.
one of their beds has bed bugs. eeee...
the whole cities seem to live in the 60s/70s.
the buildings dont really suggest what they are meant for.
went to their shopping mall ROBINSON.
not much thing. imitations everywhere
and we had our lunch in a buffet restaurant.
the food is cheap but they suck to hell.
we went back hotel to wash up and guess what.
the water is alkaline and light yellowish brown colour.
eeee... so you can imagine how bad the water quality is.
the air is so dry and my skin starts to peel like crazy...
dinner at some unknown restaurant again.
the dinner sucks like hell. it's all seafood and
the seafood have all gone bad before it is cooked.
you can taste the fishy-stinky smell.
the only goood thing is their performance and ambiance.

DAY 2:
breakfast buffet in he hotel. one work: SUCK!
no yogurt, no sausage, no ham and no warm water,
no tea. even the waffle looks like pancake. HORRIBLE.
we went for historical tour ard the city. not much fun.
got to see some pony/horse carriage.
went to TAYGAYTAY to see the biggest volcano in the lake.
lunch at restaurant that is located on a mt near the volcano.
it's the best restaurant throughout the trip.
went to the biggest mall in asia (called: MALL OF ASIA)
it's like another vivocity. just that it's 3 times bigger.
didnt buy anything coz nothing suits me. sian.
buy clothings for meimei.
settle dinner in a western food restaurant.
food is really cheap but horrible as well.
cabbed back to hotel. the driver scare us to death.
there's some miscommunication. we said 'PEARL'
but he kept pronouncing as 'PALM'. WTF.

DAY 3:
breakfast in hotel too. thanks to dad.
i have yogurt for breakfast! YIPPEE.
continue city tour and went to this waterfall place.
we took a boat ride there. okay it's more like a kayak.
there's some people on the river trying to sell drinks to us.
we dont want to buy but the drink seller still throw 2 bottles
of drink onto the boat and claim that those are for the boatmen.
damn her. that's like forcing us to buy.
their river is freaking polluted and so is the waterfall.
yet my parents said that the water is so clear and clean.
liar liar.... okay. wash up at the waterboat club.
the water in the toilet smell like shit, you can smell the sulphur.
it's horrible. lunch. just like any other meals provided.
seafood meal. eeee... didnt even drink the seafood soup.
visited chinatown and their chinese mausoleum.
i have to admit that the mausoleum is grand and magnificent.
there are many big houses with toilets, kitchens and mahjong table
with big coffins inside. rushed to MALL OF ASIA.
the taxi driver conned us. damn you. go die.
last minute shopping for clothes and for dinner.
fast food for dinner inside the hotel room.

breakfast again. haha. went down alone first
coz sis is taking her time to dress up.
the waitress is making life difficult for me.
('sorry madam, i will like to remind you
the dress code for breakfast: no flip-flops, no shorts)
excuse me, they are not flip-flops!
they are expensive sandals from NEWURBANMALES!
one pair of sandals cost you more than 1 day of your wage!
get that into your dog face.
went up to hotel room to look for sis and went down together.
apparently the waitress doesnt dare to pick on us anymore.
now it's time to revenge! haha.
we piled the plates in a very unstable way high up.
we purposely throw the honey on the carpeted floor
and use tissue paper to smudge it all over to create a mess.
but there's an angmoh woman watching us,
so we just make our way out asap.
in the afternoon we took the plane home.

we had seafood soup for every provided meal by the agency.
we had problems going back to the hotel
every time from MALL OF ASIA.
we are always haunted by some ghost(beggars)
on our way back to hotel.(they keep knocking on the car's door)

an oh-so-ordinary day
Thursday, June 4, 2009
it blooms for you @12:10 AM

okay... it's 4 june. haha how many day since my 17th birthday passed?
not really in the mood to count.
neither do i have the mood to talk abt it.
coz there's nothing to talk abt except the fact that
my 3JS celebrated my birthday at aston suntec outlet
and went watching movie with me.
thanks for the meal and making time out from your busy time slot.

anyway i dont think sweet 17 is a big deal
coz i dont see why it is so special
since it's not that special to anyone else.
i guess birthday is just any ordinary day to other people.
it's just like other days when you feel unlucky or tired.
oh well... i still have to thank:
my mom and dad for their angpaos.
my bro, sis-in-law and my cute nephew for their angpao.
my sis for wishing me and consoling me
after finding out how tragic is my birthday.
my 3Js for celebrating my birthday on the day after and
being the first in one way or another to wish me happy birthday:
JOYCE- sms
JANICE- face to face and msn
JESSLYN- phone (srry i didnt pick up) and msn
and also other people who wished me via sms:
YI JUN, WADEE and SELENA(happy birthday to you too haha)
for those who wished me face-to-face... i cant rmb much.
anyway just thanks.

haywire... wee...
Friday, April 3, 2009
it blooms for you @9:20 PM

hi people. wow... it's been a month plus since last updated.
haha. coz i finally bought a new PC and have some free time.

school is okay. tons of work.
chem: redox sucks.
math: a new NIE teacher, mr chua cheng1 zhan4(to praise).
his name is so apt. haha.
physics: my original physics teacher is back. she's such a nuisance.
geo: oh well, it's okay. the NIE teacher is nice.
Atlas king is trying to make friend. haha but he's trying too hard.
GP: so-so
PW: i only manage to sleep at 4am thanks to PI!
soccer: i got the number i want for my jersey. haha.
tmr got soccer training. girls' soccer game is on next wed. JIA YOU!

haha. i just received my PW grouping today.
it's quite a big surprise, but still fine.
oh well... to speak the truth,
i dont really care much about who i'm working with
as long as i get the work done nicely and get my A grade.
i know some people in the group is bitching about me now and
they dont really like me, as if i care.
sports day... nv turn up coz have dental.
dr lim estimates that in 2 months time, i can get my braces off.

yesterday, went out with joyce to watch 'confessions of a shopaholic '
it's cool. great lesson take -away.
oh well, anyway it's really cool to go out with joyce
coz it has become a source of comfort or escapism.
school life is like roller-coasters.
"you see the true colour shining through"...
haha. that's so apt for some people who shan't be named.
accrding to old sayings....'in life, there's many ups and downs'
okay... so it means that life is like a sine graph,
when there's an up, there's a down.
so if i'm now at the down... i'm supposed to going to the up soon.
haha. that's great!*deluding*
my phone buddy is in NS now. haha.
have to find a new one! wee..

oh well... gotta sleep early. haha.

are you screwed?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
it blooms for you @9:32 PM

You Are Potato Chips

When you're stressed out, you seek food that is quick and easy.
Life is pretty overwhelming at times, so you prefer comfort food that you can just grab and eat.

You're the type of person who takes on too much, and you don't have a lot of free time.
So even when you have junk food as a meal, you're just thankful that you had any time to eat at all.

What Comfort Food Are You?

You Are Carrot Juice

You are a warm, cooperative person. You work well with others.
While you have a fairly strong personality, you don't have a lot of clashes and conflicts.

You are ambitious, but not ruthlessly so. You won't step on anybody's feet to get to the top.
You are successful, and all your success has come while looking out for others.

What Kind of Juice Are You?

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.
You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.
You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to. (But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people
You get along best with: The Question Mark

What Punctuation Mark Are You?

Your Ideal Island Vacation is Fiji

On an island vacation, you prefer to get the full beach experience.
And for you, that means staying somewhere with few people and lots of beach.

With over 300 islands, you can find your own private spot in Fiji.
Relax by the crystal clear water, or venture off to find a waterfall.

What's Your Ideal Island Vacation?

You Are Peanut Butter Sandwiches / Do-si-dos

You are easy going and naturally happy. You don't need a lot to make you smile.
You genuinely care about people and are a great friend. You're always doing your best to make the world a better place.

Even though there isn't an immature bone in your body, you still are like a big kid sometimes.
Why make life complicated when the best parts are actually quite simple? You enjoy the small joys of life.

What Girl Scout Cookie Are You?

'm actually just here to update on my recent sch life.
life have been ever sucky since the last update.
the whole friendship things are not going well.
i have to deal with some gossip-monger abt the newest gossip
trying to work around my sucky timetable
with alternating breaks in between.
trying to handle the pressure that is caused by
some muggers in the sch coz they are either
busy mugging or profiling themselves.
have to suffer from some trauma of not finding
the desire soccer shoes after visiting 10 shops.
being backstabbed by the same bitch. WAIT...
bitch is not the correct word... it's
okay nothing has made me so angry for the past few months.
if i'm starting with my chunk or even a list of vulgarities...
that means things are serious.
the LA trip was cancelled. wthf is that man.
it has been sth that i highly anticipate
for the whole time since the beginning of the year and
now.... it's gone!

anyway here's some stuff heard (from Mr C. E):
1. what are old people best at doing?
they are best at DYING!
2. non-sch based foolscape are cheapskate.

... and some stuff learnt from he's just not that into you:
1. stop consoling your friends that
the opp party is being mean to her coz he's interested.
that's a wrong concept.
2. most girls just LOVE to live in denial.
they always believe that they are the exception
when they are the rule. (face it man...)
3. boys and girls always miss the signals
or even worse... receive the WRONG signals.
as in why dont we have internal antennas.
4. there's no such things as 'i dont believe in marriage'.
coz that's BULLSHIT!
5.cheating is cheating. telling some and
hiding some still equates to cheating.
6. if the person is not calling... then just forget abt it.
life have to move on. (you can call if you like)
7. dont go after technology-dating coz you will end up
getting rejected by multiples technology in a day.
isnt it so depressing? hahaha.
8. dont flirt when you're in supermart.
9. timing is very impt. no pt to find out that your mr right
is her mr right already. just forget abt it.
he's not meant to be yours.
10.if someone is interested, he/she will try by all means
to talk to you or ask you out. if not... it's just so simple...

okay got to slp now. tmr soccer training.
muscle ache. i need to slp bb.
shld i go for SAJC band concert on sat night?
becoz i have tons of work to be submitted by mon,
joyce and i will just like to watch a movie,
relaxing and enjoying one another's accompany,
the tix is 15 bucks!

for econs student:
what is the opportunity cost?

the begining of the year!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
it blooms for you @10:02 PM

hey people, it's been a long time since i updated this blog.
btw... school actually started like long time ago.
alot of tkgs girls and this is a good sign i guess.
but the best thing is that there's many 2e2-ers esp janice.
orientation is okay. nothing to comment much.
*isn't all orientation about the same?*

but before i go on, let me update some stuffs before sch starts.
i lost my tablet. so sad now. nvm i'm going to buy a new one.
before CNY, i was helping jess with her church's amazing race.
CNY, sian. refuse to go to the cemetery with dad.
more $$ thanks to my bro and his in-laws.
CNY dinners suck to hell. dont ask why.

TJ is working in the opposite way of NYJ.
they have special time table last week and orientation this week.
since we're having special timetable,
i'm actually having alot of time to slack in school.
yes... i'm sleeping in school most of the time...
dont ask me why i'm not mugging like those J1 muggers in lib.

yesterday went to parkway to buy friendship day stuff with janice.
but we end up at her house baking cookie. haha
it's fun and tiring. the cookie have so many different colour tone.
today we have a class pizza lunch together. it's cool k!
Royce choco for dessert... damn chocolate-sy and sweet.
i'm lovin' it! wow!

i have been going for soccer training for the past few days.
it's cool. some new J1 girls are better than expected.
i hope i get selected into soccer. hm...
i met sheena (sp?), my primary school classmate.
i'm showing this tiny winy hostility towards her coz of....
the soccer trial today is fun.
chest the ball and hit the ball with the forehead.
it isnt as pain as imagine...
but it can be really painful if it hits the wrong place.
TEACHER: the most important area is your face.
so be careful. dont blame me if you dont have bf next time
coz it's your choice to choose soccer.
ME(to andrea): if i dont have bf next time, i will make his son my bf!
*when we chest the ball*
TEACHER: throw higher, dont throw too low. dont hit the wrong place.
dont blame me if you can't squeeze milk out.
OMG.... nvm it's damn funny.
final trial on MONDAY!
wish me the BEST for the trial. i hope that i'm selected .
(i will award myself with an Adidas soccer ball if i'm selected!)